pet peeve:
When people forget to follow-up (particularly since my own follow-up skills are unsurpassed)
favorite food:
random fact:
I like to shoot hoops to wind down after a long day.
i love:
The beach
guilty pleasure:
Chocolate (of course!)
Audrey Rawls
director of custom publications / roadrunner
As a former cheerleader, basketball player and coach, it’s fairly obvious that Audrey has the “team player” concept down to a science. Add to that her role as the mom of two college students, and it’s clear that Audrey is perfectly suited to tackle just about any challenge thrown her way. At the helm of ACG’s growing and award-winning Custom Publications department, this seasoned ad sales and marketing professional with more than 20 years experience to her credit seeks to connect clients with our talented team of designers and copywriters for a one-of-a-kind print and digital vehicle that will drive their unique brand story home. She shoots, she scores – every time!