pet peeve:

When people drive and forget they have their blinker on.

favorite food:

Vampiro Tacos from Frontera (no cilantro)

random fact:

I’ve been on international television!

i love:

Movie nights cuddled up with my dog, Honey, and my loving boyfriend, Cole.

guilty pleasure:

ASMR Videos

Lydia Alverson

graphic and web designer / creativity queen

This kid at heart is always looking to make her dreams come true. After graduating from Kennesaw State University with a degree in Digital Animation, Lydia has been nonstop expanding her horizons and learning new skills. From Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida to her hometown in Atlanta, Georgia, she has been dipping her toes in all sorts of creative talents. She truly has found her place at ACG and is ready to use her talents and personality to add a spark of magic into your next project!