pet peeve:

Close-mindedness and hypocisy

favorite food:

ANYTHING Italian and a GOOD med-rare bacon blue cheese burger - YummmO

random fact:

I'm a SC country mouse living in a Gwinnett city mouse's world.

i love:

Living in the moment, late afternoons on the beach when shadows are long and people are few, and I ADORE my irreverently fun grown son and hubby!

guilty pleasure:

Binge watching any series or old movies on a perfectly sunny day!

Paula Hastings

community relations / social butterfly

With a knack for social flare and grace, Paula always makes sure our name is fresh on the community’s mind. Fluttering from dinners to event openings, from boardrooms to cocktail parties, she always finds a way not only to compliment your matching handbag and ask about your son’s little league team, but to forge another great business relationship.. all while learning your life story.

  • Leadership Gwinnett Graduate, Class of 2005
  • Regional Leadership Institute (RLI) Graduate, Class of 2017