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pet peeve:

People who “block the box” when driving

favorite food:

Nothing beats a fully loaded seafood boil

random fact:

My Franglais/Frenglish brain is real! I usually know when I’ve slipped up when people around me look puzzled trying to piece together what I’m saying

i love:

Having old school “Nick at Nite” nights with my hubby and car concerts with my kids

guilty pleasure:

True crime docs and all things Bravo

Joni Buford

growth marketing manager / idea cultivator

Always the kid with the “big ideas,” Joni joins the ACG team bringing 10 years experience in destination marketing, public relations, high-level strategy, and product development. 
Equal parts creative and analytical, she has all the right tools to help grow your brand’s garden and take you to the next level. With her tenacious spirit and unwavering passion, Joni is ready to work hard for you through your entire client journey adding value each step along the way.

•Louisiana Tourism Leadership Academy Graduate, Class of 2019
•Southeast Tourism Marketing College Graduate, Class of 2019 (Tourism Marketing Professional, Festival and Events Planner)
•Leadership Forsyth Graduate, Class of 2023